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Reviews of "How to Plan"

  • What a nice tutorial this is. I have been using eBird before, and my other computer program Bird Brain for target lists. But combining Scythebill with eBird is so much more efficient. You can really narrow it down to the possible birds for that area and that time. And with hotspots on eBird you can then find the places to go. It is very well done and all the screen shots make it easy to follow.

  • Charley Hesse has designed this awesome tutorial to help people planning a birding trip to maximize their targets. Smart use of Scythbill, E-bird and a few spreadsheets and you are well on your way to maximizing your birds and minimizing wasted time and money....


  • All skills learned here are applicable to a 2-day local jaunt, or a 6-month South America expedition, and let's face it, you could pretty much do the same with mammals or other wildlife so the skills are applicable no matter what your bent. Definitely the best $20 I have spent this month, and I am including the Air BnB shares I bought. Below is Charley's elevator pitch.....go on go for a ride....

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